Thursday, October 4, 2007


saya mau mudik ke bangka belitung!
dan kelihatannya di sana jarang banget internet!!

jadi jangan heran kalo blog gak pernah diupdate dan coment di FS gak pernah dibales!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


setelah lama menghilang dari dunia iinternetan, akhirnya saya berhasil menghalau segala asa untuk mengisi blog saya yang jarang diposting ini...

sayangnya, ketika saya dengan semangatnya ingin mengisi blog, ternyata saya sedang sakit kaki!!

kaki saya bengkak gara-gara kepeleset...

saya jadi nggak bisa jalan kaki!!


Monday, August 6, 2007

List Of

Things that made me have a decision to throw as soon as possible my computer!!

1. She is annoying!
biasanya terjadi saat saya sedang mengetik... tiba2 saja, JEBRET! parem, euy! wah, gawat! mana novel 3juta2ratus6milyar kata yang baru saya tulis belum diSAVE lagi!
pingin sekaliiiiii saya melempar komputer itu ke batu karang, mengoyak-ngoyaknya, mencabik-cabiknya, memilin-milinnya, sampai dia TAU RASA!!!
tapi saya urung melakukannya karena diapa-apain juga, nggak bakal ngaruh apa-apa...
malah parahnya, saya belum tau caranya ngoyak2,nyabik2, sama milin2 komputer!!

tapi yang lebih mengerikan lagi adalah...


adalah, saya tidak tahu di mana letak batu karang terdekat!

2. She is ugly!!
casingnya udah rada2 urdu dan vintage! mending kalo vintage... vintage di sini diserap dari kata vitajongeun! hehehe... bentuknya gak keruan... dari jauh kayak komputer.... dari deket.... masa ada orang masih punya komputer kayak begini??
maunya sih ikut make over supaya tambah cantik...
tapi hasilnya bener2 MAKE OVER!!

3. She is so late to date!
nggak usah ditanya lagi lah ini mah! antivirusnya kelahiran tahun 28, sewaktu sumpah pemuda diterbitkan!
mouse optic-nya keluaran tahun 42, waktu Jepang menjajah Indonesia...
dan soundspeaker-nya ini ya, keluaran tahun 45! waktu Hiroshima dibom!
apalagi keyboard canggihnya...
keluaran tahun 74 waktu Indonesia pertama kali ikutan Miss Universe!!

update terakhir sih, ngng....
oh, waktu saya berhasil mecahin kode minesweeper waktu Titi DJ ikutan Miss World!

4. She is so blastard!
hmh.... saya gak tau mesti ngomong apa lagi!
ah, sudahlah! saya pusing... sudah mah layar monitornya burem! terus loadingnya lemot! udah gitu kapasitas kecil! udah itu DVD saya gak bisa masuk!!

but there is only 1 thing, why do i never throw it away....
5. She is so amazing!!
without her, i probably won't write this blog!
she has brought me to this world...
to a writing world!

with Indonesian goddes

udah liat belum??

gila, yah!

artika aja punya buku saya....
masa kamu nggak??


Thursday, July 12, 2007

wahaha... kamar saya!!

begitu rapinya tempat ini....

setengah bagian atas dari kiri ke kanan....
1. hordeng saya yang sudah 300 tahun belum diganti... bagi yang berani mencium baunya, bisa mendapatkan hordengnya... tentunya dengan satu syarat... hordengnya tidak boleh keluar dari kamar saya!
2. penghargaan dari Mizan sewaktu saya menang lomba novel.... sudah ah, tidak ada penjelasan apa-apa untuk benda ini mah...
3. meja yang saya tidak tahu harus dinamakan apa atau harus diletakkan apa supaya fungsinya terpenuhi... yang pasti, isinya adalah: novel2 yang pernah saya beli seumur hidup saya, pasta gigi saya, kalender F1 saya, botol2 parfum rasa leci bekas saya, cat2 poster saya, pencukur jenggot saya, buku2 lain saya, buku2 lain lagi saya, majalah2 F1 saya, benda-benda lain, dan.... benda-benda lain...
4. poster Zaenal Arief yang saya temukan di depan SD ISOLA dengan harga hanya Rp1000, padahal saya sudah menyiapkan Rp50.000 karena saya mengira poster berharga seperti itu akan berharga mahal!

setengah bagian bawah dari kiri ke kanan....
5. komputer saya... komputer paling menyebalkan sedunia... jadi saya tidak akan mengatakan apa-apa...
6. lantai saya... dan tentu saja aksesoris dari lantai tersebut... yaitu berupa, barang2 yang sedang saya gunakan di atas kasur, lalu saya ngantuk, makanya saya lempar ke lantai, dan saya lupa buat ngeberesinnya lagi, padahal sebelum tidur saya berjanji bahwa suatu hari saya akan membereskannya...
7. RANJANG SAYA... aaaahhh... saya mencintainya!! membuat saya hangat, aman, dan nyaman... dan tertidur lelap!

Foto2 sewaktu pulang dari salon...

ini sewaktu di angkot sepulang dari salon, dismoothing, beberapa hari lalu...
Saya dan rika setuju si aa-aa salonnya jutek...

kalo yang ini, pas di WS Lombok... si RIka nyaris bawa kabur pelayannya, dan ngomong nggak bakal bayar....
Masih di WS... sori kalo agak2 HOT!

ngng... kayaknya masih di WS juga...

ya udahlah! segitu aja... hehehe

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

contoh2 maket saya yang lain...

ini adalah maket sebelum jadi!!
kalo yang ini maket kamar tidur anak yang saya bikin buat mata kuliah perancangan interior. posisinya diambil mengarah ke jendela deket tempat tidur... jangan dibilang jelek yah!! saya udah tau maketnya jelek, jadi gak usah dikasih tau lagi!!

tapi meskipun jelek, saya berhak dong dapat nilai A plus Aw...

maket yang ini saya buat waktu semester ke tiga, barengan si egie. Rencananya mau bikin maket dari Shrine Auditorium. Tapi kok kayaknya nggak ada mirip2nya, ya??

buku baru saya

kemarin saya dikirimin contoh cover buat novel baru saya....

judulnya SATU CINTA SEJUTA REPOT dari penerbit GAGAS MEDIA...

ini contoh covernya...

bagus nggak??


pada hari Rabu pukul tiga sore, akhirnya saya bisa bernapas layaknya manusia normal lainnya.
karena akhirnya saya menyadari apa itu arti hidup.
Hidup adalah Kebahagiaan Jika Kau tidak masuk jurusan Arsitektur dan Harus membuat Maket dalam tempo dua hari saja!!


ini saya punya gambar maket2 saya...
jangan diketawain yah!!
memang sih tidak sebagus besteknya...
tapi mudah2an berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa....

Sunday, June 10, 2007


semalam saya lihat GP Kanada di teve, (tentunya sambil ngerjain tugas2 setan itu...)
Saya cukup terhibur dengan show yang ditampilkan.

Webber mendapat posisi ke enam di start, yang lagi-lagi menobatkan dia, pembalap yang selalu masuk sepuluh besar bahkan dengan kemampuan mobil yang biasa2 saja.
Dia cuma ketinggalan beberapa detik di belakang Dua Ferrari, Dua McLaren, dan satu BMW. Tiga tim itu kan lagi ada di puncak klasemen konstruktor. Sementara RED BULL RACING..??
Euleuh, ka mana wae atuh, neng?!
Seenggaknya, Webber bisa ngalahin dua RENAULT!! gileee... tim juara dunia gak bisa lebih cepat dari si webber, hah??

ketika start, webber jatuh ke posisi sembilan...
Lalu doi melintir dan jatuh ke posisi dua belas...
dia nyusul dua pembalap di depannya, dan nyampe di posisi sepuluh...
lalu ketika dia di pit, ternyata ada kecelakaan dan beruntung webber dapet posisi yang bagus pas safety car...
dia ke lima...
dan karena dua mobil di depan masuk pitstop, webber pindah jadi ketiga...
lalu dalam race, di berhasil maju di depan heidfeld yang baru kluar dari pitstop, jadi dia ke dua...

EEEEHHH.... tapi dia malah sial!! pas ada kecelakaan berikutnya, dia salah waktu masuk pitstop... jadi posisinya turun ke peringkat sembilan belas...

tapi karena memang orangnya tangguh, Webber bisa nyodok lagi ke posisi sembilan dan bertahan sampe finish...

saya senang sekali dengan hasil ini. meskipun Webber belum bikin satu score pun di klasemen, tapi dia udah usaha yang terbaik, dan semua fans-nya saya yakin baik2 aja...
kami selalu berdoa supaya webber bisa dapet mobil bagus tahun depan...
atau at least, redbull bisa jadi bagus banget tahun ini!!

butuh nyawa tambahan nih...

semenjak tiga hari terakhir, (mulai dari sabtu sampe hari Senin sekarang), rasanya hidup saya nggak berarti. Saya dicekoki banyak tugas2 setan yang sekalinya ngerjain mesti numbalin satu nyawa.
Saya harus ngerjain Konsep Rumah Tinggal yang naudzubillah saya nggak bakal pernah kangen buat ketemu ama yang kayak beginian lagi. Emang dasar setan tugasnya!! Bayangkan saja dong, saya belum tidur selama 48 jam terakhir!!

bagaimana masa depan dunia ini??

kemudian ada lagi tugas gamtur. Ini juga sama2 setan. karena saya harus gambar gedung MIPA tanpa penggaris. Padahal, pake penggaris aja saya nggak bisa. Apalagi kalo free hand?? (free hand = tanpa tangan. Jadi pake kaki.)

tugas setan berikutnya adalah interior...
maket adalah iblisnya.
saya benci bikin maket.
mulai dari benci mengeluarkan modal sampai benci membuat modelnya...


untung hari ini SPA sama Gamtur udah selesai. meskipun ternyata hasilnya nggak maksimal. Yaaah... mudah2an tuh dosen2 ngerti kalo saya udah numbal nyawa dalam bikin tugas ini. Jadi mereka menghargainya dengan memberi nilai A plus.


Friday, May 18, 2007


gile ya, saya nyaris jalan kaki (lagi) dari kampus sampe rumah!

hari Sabtu ini saya baru beres ngerjain tugas di depan MIPA, mesti nge-skecth tuh building. Ya Tuhan, males banget ngerjainnya. jadinya saya pergi ke UPINET aja buat nge-net. EEEEHHH... TUTUP! ya udah saya cari warnet aja buat terus VOTING Agni di MissUniverse 2007.

karena saya cuma bawa duit Rp9000,- jadinya saya harus hemat. saya ke warnet sebanyak Rp7000,-... nah, sisa Rp2000,- kan??
gimana saya pulang nih!
ya udah saya putuskan untuk jalan kaki saja. tidak ada salahnya. Hari Minggu kemarin saya jalan kaki dari rumah sampe kampus. dan itu tuh NANJAAAAKKK... jadi prediksi saya sih saya masih hidup kalo saya jalan kaki dari kampus sampe rumah!

nah, pas di enhay, kan ada ATM gitu... ah, saya tergoda untuk mengecek tabungan saya.
terakhir saya lihat sih saldonya Rp51,754,- dan saya nggak berharap bakalan nambah. saya cuma gaya2an aja masuk ATM. udah lama saya nggak ngerasain AC di dalam ATM.

ya udah, saya masuk, dan saya bahagia karena AC-nya menyerbakkan wangi jelly rasa anggur.
saya check saldo saya tanpa harap dan ternyata saya kaget,
saldo saya...

nambah jadi Rp181,754,-

saya dapet royalti euy!!

ya udah weh, saya ambil saya goban, dan saya ke warnet lagi!
sambil nungguin si Afie pulang dari brainstorming dan saya bisa mampir sebentar sore nanti.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Most "What Are You Doing There?!" Photos Awards...

taken from Miss Universe Official website, and judge by my own thoughts.
these award dedicated to the most weird photos I have ever seen in the miss universe 2007 pageant...

1. thailand (mental illness i thought... sorry... but near my house, i've ever seen a woman (mental illness of course) who was similar to that picture... her name is Lia Andrea Ramos)

2. kazakhstan (what making this picture weird is... she's come from kazakhstan but pose like chinese womans when they're dancing...)

3. puerto rico (absolutely similar with SADAKO in the Grudge... or Ju On! but she is the blonde version... maybe the grudge should allow this woman to be their ghost than the japanese one...)

4. georgia ("What are you looking at, bitch?!")

5. estonia ("Oh, gosh... I got headache!!)

The Most (sorry) Sluts Photos Awards...

taken from Miss Universe Official website, and judge by my own thoughts.
these award dedicated for the almost making me wander "is this a beauty queen contest or a casting catalogue for Playboy magazine?" photos in every bitch-pose its done...

1. poland (shes licking her finger... only woman who were in bed with his husband or partner and doing sex who done that!)

2. norway (very-very Asian way to attract guys...)

3. costa rica (ah... ah... yes... aaaahh.... aaaaaahhhhh.... noo... yes... aaaaaaahhhh....)

4. colombia (Hey, dude... wanna fuck me?)

5. new zealand (Piss me, mister...)

I didnt mean that those woman is sluts. I've just judging which is the most bitch photos in Miss Universe Official website.

The Most Photogenic Photos Awards...

taken from Miss Universe Official website, and judge by my own thoughts.
these award dedicated to the most photogenic photos in every shot its done...

1. st lucia (absolutely charming!)

2. slovenia (passionate. sexy. chic. sophisticated)

3. venezuela (this is what fashion magazine needs!)

4. guatemala (nice shots!)

5. angola (mysterious... and artistic!)

The Most Elegant Photos Awards...

taken from Miss Universe Official website, and judge by my own thoughts.
these award dedicated to the most elegant photos in every pose its done...

1. canada (glams and very very natalie glebova wanna be)

2. finland (sexy glams... good for a romantic evening)

3. peru (chic and sophisticated...)

4. india (very-very glamorous! and Wooow...)

5. indonesia (cute, chic, and glam... what else, hah?)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Most Cute Photos Award

taken from Miss Universe Official website, and judge by my own thoughts.
these award dedicated to the cutest photos in every charm its done...

1. us virgin island (cute black)

2. montenegro (cute european)

3. korea (cute asian, and one of my favorite)

4. germany (cute blonde... hmh... is she blonde?)

5. dominican republic (cute latinas...)

The Most Artistic Photos Award

taken from Miss Universe Official website, and judge by my own thoughts.

these award dedicated to the most artistic photos in everyway its done...

1. tanzania--topleft--(nice movement)

2. russia--botleft--(nice close-up)

3. spain--center--(amazing photos! nearly like painting)

4. albania--topright--(nice shot!)

5. greece--botright--(cute shot! and i love the blue bag! and the flower... so Latin! even she's come from europe!)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

my perfect evening...

my friend Afie ask me a same question like Agni's question in Miss Universe 2007 pageant about "How you describe your perfect evening?"

I owe her an asnwer. And i think,

my perfect evening is a time where I can spend my time with peoples i love and care so much. we sits on a same dining table and share whats going on all days we've just passed. and then we're going to watch TV to comments a bad sinetron or judge Indonesian Idol. and then we sleep tightly, dreaming something nice, and prepare for what would happen to us tomorrow.

simply, i cannot sleep tight if i knew that i wasn't done a great job from I woke up till i go to bed. and sadly, hiks, i dont have someone special to share my perfect evening.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Agni's swimwear

How about it?

I think her swimwear is too big for her. She seems like having tons of fat under her skin.

but a good things about her is, she have a toned skin and a clear-white colour.

i hope she will done a good catwalk on the runway so she can succed artika's success two years ago.

and my personal score for this picture, is... hmh... 8.599

is that enough?!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Agni's Interview

When you were younger what different things did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was young, I always want to be a talkshow presenter like Oprah Winfrey, because... knowing that I can share my knowledges and my ability to pursuit people and with help from TV I could help many people... That's why I really want to be a talkshow presenter.

What you have always wanted to do, but have not done yet?

Hmh... I'll always been a passionate person and I really want to establish a school for poor children, children with special needs, and especially for children with special needs like autism, because by helping them pursuit their dream I think I can pursuit mine.

Name One thing that you constantly put off doing.

Ok... If it only one thing, it must be finish my painting. Because, I love to paint, but because for the last one year I've been so buzy, so I think finishing my painting would be it!

Who's diary would you most like to read and why?

Hellen Keller. Um... because I want to know that, she's... have been through many obstacles like... we know that she is deaf and blind, and she could manage to enter college and finish it cum laude. That's why I really want to know what do was... she's thinking, and how could she get through all out these obstacles.

How would you describe your 'Perfect' evening?

My Perfect evening must be surrounded by my special one. And knowing that I've been doing great job since this morning until the afternoon.

So Far, her interview was great for me. Even though she didn't show a great ability in english, but I think her answers is a GREAT one I ever heard than the other contestants. She's success covering Nadine's mistake last year, and also success to be interviewed like Artika a year before last year.

Good point (for me) from this interview is:

The first answer shows public that she is an entertainer. She have a huge desire on doing something in entertainment. And since Miss Universe entertains a lot of people, I believe this answer will make her got a spot in semis.

The second one shows public that she is a person who care to the environment, especialy the children. Her willing to establish a school for children and children with special needs is a rare thing in a Beautiful Woman Thoughts. The judges should be amaze with this answer.

The third answer shows public that she has a good talent in art. She loves painting. So I believe she's having a good imagination on making a dress or culture, which was connected to fashion, where Miss Universe were always looking for.

The fourth ones show public that she is a very motivated person, and having a big spirit on her life. Hellen Keller is a good answer. Very spiritful and strong. Doesn't beauty queen need a woman with a big spirit??

The last answer show public that she is a nice person.

so my conclusion is... She is valued to be in the semis. And if it's possible, she have to be in the final, and WIN it!

My own score for this interview is .... 9.087


List of...

ten things i hate about myself (physically):

1. My nose. I have a terrifying nose. It doesnt look like a normal nose like other people. Short, cutted, small, flat, and obviously uninteresting.

So I... tell the world, that my nose was created by God with Minimalist Concept of Design, and its kinda rare, that government should protected this and make a law about it.

And my friends react... Hell you!

2. My eyes. My right eye is bigger than my left eye. I believe this is because my face structure is asimetric and my left eye pulled to the left side so it can't take any space to place. Plus, it makes some distances between the right and the left.

So I... tell everybody that Jennifer Hawkins (Miss Universe 2004), Kurara Chibana (1st runner up Miss Universe 2006), and Agni Pratistha Arkadewi Kuswardono (Puteri Indonesia 2006) are having an unbalanced eyes like me.

And my friends react... yeah, them. But you're not!

3. My hair. I have a curly hair which I thought 'never suitable for my face and my head size'. Plus, this curly hair is a new species. Nobodies can define what type of curly I have.

So I... tell all my friends, that this is only illusion. This is only shadow. This is not real. My hair is straight and obviously my hair has been tricking you!

And my friends react... What a VERY REAL illusions!

4. My Lip. Too big. Diagonal. Dark Brown. And Nightmare. Its kinda Angelina Jolie lip when she fail in lip surgery.

So I... tell all peoples that I'm the 1st runner up in Lip Universe Pageant which is won by Angelina Jolie.

And my friends react... yeah... i see that pageant! And if i'm not mistaken, the contestants is only two, right? you and miss Jolie??

5. My chin. It didn't place well. Placed too left. And bloomed by little hair. My friends tells that it might be the root of your teeth.

So I... tell them, that... this is nice, unique, and if you're still speaking about this, it means you're jealous!!

And my friends react... who are you talking with?

6. My shoulder. My left shoulder is wider and longer than my right. And its automatically made my left chest bigger than my right.

So I... ask them to talk about the girl who was moving to the neighbour. I wish they won't talk about my shoulder.

And my friends react... No, it is not a girl. He is a boy. And he is not a new kids on the block. HE IS MY BROTHER!

7. My stomach. Everytime i saw a mirror, i'll always get scaried. What a nightmare! i look like Papa Bears who plays in porn movie. BIGBIGBIGBELLY!!

So I... ask my closest friends, "Is that really big?"

And my friends react... "You are ANOREXIC! thats a SMALL BELLY! i even admire your belly!"

Then I... speak again, "No. This is big. Could you see the fat here?"

And my friends... yelling, "THATS MUSCLE!"

8. My feet. Short. Big. Fatty. And cannot be strecthed so I can't do a toe touch, split, or any of gymnastics movements. It size 43. Hairy. And everyday I wish I wake up and find my feet is a little bit thin and long.

So I... tell my buddy, This is kind of strong feet! i always use this to walk hundred of miles.

And my friends react... Leprechaun.

9. My Height. I am 172 cm, or 5'7". I think this is too short for me if i wanna join modelling agency. And this is too short if I wanna touch my bedroom roof. And the bad thing is, I am the shortest person in my class!!

So I... said, "Short always means Cute..."

And my friends react... "Do you mean Ucok Baba is also cute?"

10. My Whole Body. Because I have nine complains and all of them are NIGHTMARE for me!

So I... tell my friends, do not expect me a beautiful girl, because i dont have a beautiful body for her.

But my friends react... Yeah. You shouldn't marry that beautiful girl. because the very beautiful girl is her who see you from who you are, not your body.

I thanks to them, and said, "thanks.... at least, I have a sexy butt"


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

jennifer hawkins...

i felt in love with jennifer hawkins.

i dont know what i have to say.


im in love with her!

he turns me GAY...

who is it?
Zaenal Arief.

but wait a sec, GAY in dictionary have two meanings. 1, Homosexuality, 2, happy.
you could guess what the title was tell about, but you dont have to bother yourself to find the meaning, becoz i dont even bother myself.

he is a football player; playing for Persib Bandung squad.
since i was born to this earth, i never been in love with soccer, football, or any other games that involves a ball! not even tennis, volley, or golf. none. a ball for me just like a devil who playing me. so i hate all kind of ball-games and i never waste my time to see any of those games.
but since i saw a match between Persib and Semen Padang couple days ago (which is won by Persib 3 - 0), misteriously, i felt in love with soccer and player number 15 from Persib (who was goaling in the last minutes).
i cannot believe myself that moment, though. it is like a miracle who comes to prophet (and now blessed to me) that for ONE MATCH i could felt in love in soccer.
okay, maybe i'm not a soccer mania like all the peoples in this world. or not yet.
but somehow, since that miracle, i became a man who loves to watch "whats happening in Indonesian League?", and so in the next BIG match between Persib and Persija, I cannot close my eyes during the game, even for a second.

can you believe that??

Zaenal Arief has just making me loving soccer and also loving him! (in lots of way, though.)

and i have a funny story when i try to get one of Zaenal Arief poster.
i found a poster of Zaenal Arief, A3 size, in front of Isola's elementary school. i felt in love with that picture and willing to buy it when (for PERSIB sake!) I have to FIGHT with three (or more) boys (elementary student) around the street. i almost give up and relieving that poster for them. but then my thoughts said, "Hey... where else youre gonna get that picture?! google doesnt solve this!"
so finally i jump to the crowd and fight with those boys to get the poster!
I GOT IT! huahahaha...
and i only have to spend Rp1000,- for that nice picture.
wow. thanks god.
what a relieve.

(picture of zaenal aried, soon... i have to scan my poster and i cant find a scaner for A3s size around my house)

Monday, April 30, 2007

i hate architecture (part 1)

maybe for the three hundred million times i said this:

bcoz it is obviously didnt fit to myself.

too much tasks.
too much assistance.
too much rules.
too much techniques.
too much sucks!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

miss universe is getting hot...

hihi... i have been in love with pageant since Jennifer Hawkins won the title of Miss Universe in 2004. (And also Artika Sari Devi from Bangka Belitung won the Puteri Indonesia title in the same year.) it seems like, pageant industry has giving me a lot of things i can learn about.
i like competition. i like hundred of people from different countries greets and shares in one place while they're vying for a same reason. mostly, i'd love to see a beautiful woman smiling and act in a runway, photographed, and then answering questions, until they found one of the best of them to be crowned a tiara.

believe it or not, i become a different person when i read an answer from Ms Hawkins.
select one word that can describe you best?
she answered: "VIVACIOUS"
and this word affects me a lot.
you know, i have been living this life as a mean person, unjoyful, embarassing, and having NO friend. but when i saw that word, and i translate it to Indonesian, i feel myself changes to be someone better and different.

i am a confident person. creative. talented. optimistic. imaginative. and can be trusted.
and i'm happy with that.

but now, i dont wanna talk about myself. pageant has changed me a lot. and somehow, i am automatically dedicating myself to this kind of industry.

2005 was a good year for indonesian pageant, especially because Artika Sari Devi join Miss universe. she ends her trip in top 15 and thats a superb performance.
2006 was a fun year for us. Nadine chandrawinata might be not ends her trip in a good spot, but she has give me a fun fighting in pageant cyber industry. all indonesian supporter fight against philippines Lia Andrea Ramos and thats an interesting games i played during the pageant. bashing and praising.

and now, hmh... 2007... how would Agni Pratistha gonna ends her trip in Mexico and show us her best??
i believe she can make it. she has prepared a lot of things, and me as indonesian supports her in Miss universe pageant in Mexico.

absoultely, miss universe is getting hot.